A journey into the world of Estate/Garage/Yard sales and the treasures you can find.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Finally made it out again!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A new crock for the patio!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Expo Weekend Finds
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What to do with all of this?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
For the Love of Crocks
Past two weekends
The hummingbirds are finally starting to use this one since I hung it from my flower basket.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Small finds
Here is a close up of the table cloth.
Here is a closer view of the Judy planter, a game of Kizmet that I found at one of Patsy's sales and a French-English Dictionnaire I got at a sale in Camas.
I got all this rick rack at the sale in Camas with the Dictionnarrie and the below candle stick coasters (is that their correct name?). I plan on making some really fun cards with the rick rack.
I found this little bin in a sale of Patsy's at the end of May. I also got two larger metal ones for my husband. I got them the last day of the sale so they were all 50% off. Great deals! This has come in VERY handy in my project room. You can already see the rick rack, ribbon, buttons and other crafty things I have filled it with. The stencils on top were in one the boxes for my husband, but I confiscated them. :)
This little tin item was too cute to pass up. It reads Letters, Bills & Misc, and has four hooks for keys. I am not sure where I will use it. It may become a present for someone as well.
I am looking forward to the upcoming Vintage Gathering this weekend and the upcoming Antique & Collectibles Show at the Expo in a couple of weeks. My sister will be flying in for the Expo. We always have so much fun. I really can't wait to introduce her to all the great people I have met during my outings.
Have a great time in your Treasure Hunting!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Rainy, No Luck Day!
Okay, what is it with people advertising their junk sales as estate sales? I really wish people would be honest when advertising. I recently saw an ad placed on craigslist regarding this very same issue. Today I drove across town to an "estate sale" only to find a garage sale with nothing but holiday decorations (nothing vintage or cool), happy meal toys, jewelry making supplies and a bunch of misc. stuff (I am being kind).
So my Little Treasurer Hunter and I headed over to a multi-family garage sale and found some children's books and a toy truck. Then a stop at Goodwill to find a 10 1/2 in. clear Miss America plate (that was a cool find). Also got the game Boogle (original one with the wooden dice) and some stensils for card making. So it wasn't a bust, but it wasn't what I had in mind either.This month has not been the greatest at finding treasures, but at least I got out. The most I have found are books for the Little Treasurer Hunter.
I did get this great Santa a couple of weeks ago. He lights up with a bulb at the bottom. I can't wait until Christmas to use him.
Well, good luck to you in your treasure hunting!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
April's Treasures
My last find for the month of April was this tray. Now I didn't get this one for the same price as the first one I found (free), but I think I did okay at $11.00. It looks nice in the dining room.
Well, that is all for now. Wish me luck in the month of May. And good luck to you in your Treasure Hunting.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What a Fabulous Auction!
Plus I have learned that I just love the auction atmosphere. I enjoy watching the bidding process, get really excited when I am bidding and love it when I or someone I know gets what they really wanted. I am also learning a lot about what things are worth and what the good finds are watching other people bid and buy things.
So here is what I picked up this past weekend: