Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday of Fun

Yesterday was my birthday and my hubby took the day off of work, so I got to go Estate/Garage Saling all by myself. It was a blast! I found many treasures and great deals. I had mapped out about seven sales in the paper and found more along the way.

My first stop was at a moving sale where I found a plant stand for the patio and two hard cover books for five dollars total. The second stop was not open even though the ad stated they would be. Very frustrating and inconsiderate! The third stop had nice things, but nothing that interested me. The fourth stop was the payday! I found a great vintage purse that was made in Italy for six dollars, a set of candlestick holders for fifty cents, a depression glass dish (Fire King) for two dollars, a DVD movie for two dollars, Mr. Potato Head with two zip lock bags full of accessories for two dollars, and the greatest find was the Thomas the Train pieces for fifty cents each. I found Cranky the Crane, the Sodor Airport tower, a bridge, two engines, two coaches, Bertie the Bus, Sir Topman Hat and a stop signal. When I paid for everything, the lady did not charge me for the smaller pieces of the Thomas items so I ended up paying $13.50 for the whole lot. What fun.

I plan on using the Thomas the Train items as rewards for potty training which I have started with my two year old son. You have to love bribery.

I stopped at a few more sales before my last find of a walking golf bag cart for, are you ready for this, one dollar!! The cheapest I have ever seen these for in the past as been ten dollars. I was quite proud and giddy with myself walking away with cart in tow.

All in all, I spent $19.50 and brought home many fun, useful treasures. Not a bad birthday!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, you have a blog. I am soooooo glad.
    We had a great show and was excited to see you. BTW I got a great ironstone platter you might be interested in. I will have to take a pic and send it to you.
    Or bring it with me in Nov. to the auction.
    See you soon
    Julie, Kindred Roses
